Misty Ventures Inc

Misty Ventures

A Story of Economic Development & Community success in Mistawasis Nêhiyawak.

Portfolio of Companies

Economic Partnerships

The Misty Ventures Story

Recognizing the continued work of the Economic Development Arm of Mistawasis Nêhiyawak.

Since 2015, the goal has been to build Misty Ventures Inc. and under the leadership of its current CEO, and Board of Directors there has been great success in developing a diverse portfolio of companies working together in synergies with HCC Group, Misty Clifton Engineering, Misty Chemco, and NCS Fluid Systems.

Misty Ventures Inc.’s CEO, Robert Daniels since 2016 has worked endlessly in creating strong Indigenous business relationships to produce revenue-sharing agreements and partnerships with a variety of companies including Awasis 4-6 Alliance, Kiyam Solar LP, Iskotew Solar LP, Potentia Renewables and M2 Renewables.

It’s important to acknowledge the flagship business Misty Petroleuma gas station and convenience store that opened in April of 2016 located 1.5 km North of Leask Saskatchewan and RST Maintenance in September of 2022, a maintenance service company that provides snow removal, landscaping, grass cutting and weed control services but has the capabilities and capacity of additional service offerings.  Both companies are 100% owned by Misty Ventures Inc. 

History of Mistawasis Nêhiyawak

In 2011, Mistawasis Nêhiyawak made the decision to separate business from governance and applied to be part of the Business Ready Investment Development Gateway Program. The bridge program was created by INAC (Indigenous and Northern Affairs Canada) and overseen by a group of board members from the private sector. The program chose a total of nine First Nation Communities to become partners in order to help them become business ready.

Mistawasis Nêhiyawak was one of the nine communities chosen to be part of the program and Misty Ventures Incorporated was created.

Working from the knowledge and success of the bridge program, Mistawasis Nêhiyawak was confident in their abilities to continue to grow, and in 2013 restructured.

With support and guidance from the leaders of the community, a new board was created that consisted of Mistawasis Nêhiyawak band members. From 2013 to 2015 with the new board in place, there was significant strategic planning, including incorporating and getting financials in order to truly become a business ready entity. During this time, the Chief & Council and the community elders of Mistawasis Nêhiyawak began peace talks with another nation in order to bring the tribes of Cree and Blackfoot together. With the treaty signed, Mistawasis First Nation became Mistawasis Nêhiyawak, which in translation means “good people.” 

The partnership is unique with the focus to build capacity together with the journey of economic development for Mistawasis Nêhiyawak to evolve to a business ready entity that has provided current and future financial stability; build capacity and work opportunities for Mistawasis Nêhiyawak. Mistawasis Nêhiyawak is situated within Treaty 6 territory. Our traditional Territory overlaps into multiple other treaty areas in Saskatchewan.

In January 2016, Mistawasis Nêhiyawak hired Robert Daniels as the CEO of Misty Ventures Incorporated (Misty Ventures). From 2016 onward, Misty Ventures has created a variety of prosperous companies in a variety of sectors with the support of Chief and Council, community members, Board of Directors, staff and team of professionals..

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